System Owner Case Studies & Examples
This technology is currently in use, with a history of continuous and reliable operation, within diverse industries in nearly a dozen countries. Samples of this installed base:
Since pyrolysis is a closed system process there are zero emissions back into our atmosphere.
- In Western Europe for making food grade bio oil
- In Malaysia to convert waste to energy
- In Israel to clean and recycle used activated charcoal and for denaturing toxic chemicals. It is used to capture minerals as well as to turn wood waste into electricity, thermal energy and high grade biochar.
- In Indonesia it is using the scraps of the tobacco industry to produce electricity and thermal energy (offsets energy required for tobacco processing) as well as biochar for the growing of tobacco.
- In the Netherlands, France and the UK, plastic is being converted into high caloric energy
- In Slovenia, a system owner is converting used tires to a high volume of electricity with the only waste being a bi-product of tire black that goes back into the tire industry.
- In Europe, a more recent installation (since 2012) of a 0.8 tons/hr system has been processing wood chips (derived from a saw mill, originally in the form of saw dust), where this biomass is converted into biochar and pyrolysis oil.
- In Dubai, these systems are used to refurbish activated charcoal. Charcoal is often used for factory smokestack emission reduction, pollutant capture or removal of other toxins. Eventually that charcoal material become saturated. Pyrolysis turns the saturated charcoal back into biochar, with nominal volume loss, useful once again for filtration.
CDS priority is systems that convert waste and other fast-growing biomass feedstock into biochar, heat, and energy, as described on solutions, but the above examples illustrate some of the many applications used in diverse industries.
CDS sales personnel would be happy to take potential customers on a tour of existing facilities.
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