Our mission: CDS is all about climate change reversal. It is vitally important that we all respond to the threat of climate change and actively participate in the rejuvenation of a thriving, bio-diverse global ecosystem. CDS can help you maximize your carbon sequestration potential.
Our Pledge: Our most important client is ultimately Nature Herself. We serve all others with a cooperation intended to restore the Earth’s ability to sequester carbon and provide for the needs of humanity.
Our Strategy: We carry this out in two ways
(1) We deliver turnkey pyrolysis equipment at an appropriate scale to profitably enable global carbon drawdown and soil rejuvenation;
(2) We market biochar to a segment of the population that wants to actively participate in the reversal of climate change.
By designing systems that will deliver an exponential drawdown of carbon, progress toward these objectives is initially slow, but with scale, increases velocity and builds momentum over a relatively short period.
In a time that has so many feeling angry, frightened, or helpless, CDS offers a proactive solution in which any individual can participate – joining others in an empowering movement to nurture our Planet to the new type of vitality needed to support the anticipated 9 - 13 billion people.
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| info@cdsbiochar.com | PO Box 1341 Haiku, HI 96708