Founder and Chief Executive Officer Serial entrepreneur, pyrolysis and biomass expert Charlotte O’Brien combines her agricultural background, lifelong pursuit of sustainable agriculture, knowledge of bamboo, and experience with biochar to lead this venture. As former COO and VP of Innovation for Bamboo Technologies (now Bamboo Living), Char was responsible for manufacturing at Bamboo Hardwoods Vietnam, managing all production details. In this capacity, she worked directly with bamboo farmers and NGOs, and finalized the first International Construction Code (ICC) certification of bamboo in the western world. With eight trips to China for R&D she also pioneered the path for ICC-compliant bamboo plywood. Founder/director of 501(c)3 non-profit BioBamboo. President for 13 years of CLC, Inc. a Wisconsin-based provider of agricultural services related to the dairy industry. Ms. O’Brien earned her Bachelor’s of Science with high honors at Michigan State University, majoring in Crops and Soils, and also received 3 years of agricultural technical training in Denmark, Norway and Austria. |
Co-founder & Chief Business Development Officer Mr. Robin is an impact investment and development finance specialist with over two decades of executive/board experience. Expertise in waste conversion, biorenewables/green chemistry, international project finance, de-risking, collaboration & education. Mr. Robin assists CDS with strategic planning, alliances, marketing communication and helps CDS system buyers with pre-sales and finance readiness evaluation. He previously served as VP of business development for WISE Solutions, Inc. Mr. Robin bring management consulting and financial services experience to CDS, with certificates in Emerging Markets Credit (Moody’s Analytics, 2012), international business and marketing (UC Berkeley), coaching, speaking, training and neurolinguistics. Adjunct professor of management and strategy since 2006 at top-ranked Fisher Int'l MBA program within the Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS) Graduate School in CA, teaching entrepreneurship, investing and innovation for sustainability. |
Instrumental in multiple successful startup companies. Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer of Qteros Inc, previously raising over $30 million (in 2007), then CEO of Qteros, a cellulosic ethanol technology company based in Amherst, MA. |
Sales Director / Systems Engineer -- recruited Deep experience in Systems Engineering and background in waste to energy conversion, including plant control system design, development and support. Developed state-of-the-art multiprocessor control technology, automated feedstocks management and conversion to electricity. |
David Worrell Interim Chief Financial Officer Four-time “Fast 50” award recipient, certified by Moody’s Analytics David Worrell, interim CFO, is a graduate of Ohio State University, the Sandler Sales Institute, and the Kauffman Foundation’s FastTrac Entrepreneur Training program. Four times he has been recognized as a “Fast 50" award recipient for building fast growing new companies of his own. Currently, Worrell writes finance articles for, and advises students and entrepreneurs through the Entrepreneur In Residence Program and the Entrepreneurs Leadership Circle at Queens University in Charlotte, NC. He is a member of the Turnaround Management Association, Certified in Moody’s Analytics in Emerging Markets Credit, and a Gold Level Quickbooks Certified Pro Advisor. |
Consulting Services Team |
Regulatory, SE Asia & Environmental Expert 32 years of State/Federal Environmental Protection. |
Soil Bio-remediation Specialist 20 years in Technical Agronomy, across |
Biomass Procurement & Production 20 years with NGOs in Asia. Bamboo/Small Farmer Expertise. His professional training is in agronomy. He holds a BS in Agricultural Engineering from France. Mr. Lambelle began his SE Asian career in Cambodia, and then moved to Vietnam, working with large NGOs, including Ford Foundation, Winrock, Oxfarm and as director of GRET Vietnam for 20 years. Fluent in both Vietnamese and Khmer, Patrice is an on-the-ground agricultural and community expert with a deep understanding of the SE Asian agricultural culture, the regulatory environment, commerce in the region and the role of NGOs and governmental bodies in the fight against climate change. |
Bamboo Expert Owns Whispering Winds Bamboo plantation, Maui, with expertise in species selection & crop management. Rich earned a Masters degree in Agricultural Engineering from Cornell University.
Phan Cam Tu Asian Legal and NGO Liason 12 yrs as USAID legal counsel in Vietnam Phan Tu has been the senior legal advisor to USAID in Viet Nam for the past 12 years and with an Australian law firm for 8 years before that. With dual degrees in law and business and a wealth of international experience with governments, businesses and NGOs in SE Asia, the US and Australia, Tu is perfect to guide any Asian developments for CDS and its clients. |
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